499 lines
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499 lines
13 KiB
<div class="page">
<u-navbar back-icon-color="#fff" :background="background" :border-bottom="false" title=""></u-navbar>
<div class="wrapper">
<!-- 砍价列表 -->
<div class="box box1">
<div class="bargain">
<div class="flex bargain-item">
<div class="goods-img">
<u-image width="200" height="200" :src="bargainDetail.thumbnail"></u-image>
<div class="goods-config">
<div class="goods-title wes-2">
<div class="flex price-box">
<div class="purchase-price">当前:<span>¥{{ activityData.surplusPrice == 0 ? this.bargains.purchasePrice : activityData.surplusPrice | unitPrice}}</span>
<div class="max-price">原价:<span>¥{{ bargainDetail.price | unitPrice}}</span>
<div class="tips">{{bargainDetail.sellingPoint}}</div>
<!-- 砍价进度 -->
<div class="bargain-progress">
<u-line-progress class="line" :active-color="lightColor" striped striped-active :percent="totalPercent"></u-line-progress>
<div class="flex tips">
<!-- 参与砍价 -->
<div class="bargaining" v-if="!activityData.pass" @click="shareBargain">
<!-- 立即购买 -->
<div class="buy" v-else @click="getGoodsDetail">
<!-- 帮砍列表 -->
<div class="box box2">
<div class="bargain">
<div class="bargain-title">帮忙砍</div>
<div class="user-item flex" v-if="logData.length !=0 " v-for="(item,index) in logData" :key="index">
<u-image width="75" shape="circle" height="75" :src="item.kanjiaMemberFace"></u-image>
<div class="user-config flex">
<div class="user-name">
<div>{{item.kanjiaMemberName | noPassByName}}</div>
<div class="save">砍掉:<span>¥{{item.kanjiaPrice | unitPrice}}</span></div>
<!-- 产品详情 -->
<div class="box box3">
<div class="bargain">
<div class="bargain-title">商品详情</div>
<view class="u-content">
<u-parse :html="bargainDetail.mobileIntro"></u-parse>
<!-- 砍价 -->
<u-modal title="恭喜您砍掉了" v-model="Bargaining" mask-close-able :show-confirm-button="false" :title-style="{color: lightColor}">
<view class="slot-content">
<u-count-to :start-val="0" ref="uCountTo" font-size="100" :color="lightColor" :end-val="kanjiaPrice" :decimals="2" :autoplay="autoplay"></u-count-to><span class="price">元</span>
<!-- 帮砍 -->
<u-modal :show-title="false" v-model="helpBargainFlage" :show-confirm-button="false">
<view class="help-bargain" @click="handleClickHelpBargain">
<u-image width="100%" height="600rpx" src="/pages/promotion/static/bargain.jpeg"></u-image>
<u-image class="help" width="300rpx" height="80rpx" src="/pages/promotion/static/help-bargain.png"></u-image>
<!-- 分享 -->
<shares @close="closeShare" :link="'/pages/promotion/bargain/detail?id='+routerVal.id+'&activityId='+activityData.id" type="kanjia" :thumbnail="bargainDetail.thumbnail"
:goodsName="bargainDetail.goodsName" v-if="shareFlage " />
<!-- 购买 -->
<popupGoods :addr="addr" ref="popupGoods" :buyMask="maskFlag" @closeBuy="closePopupBuy" :goodsDetail="bargainDetail" :goodsSpec="goodsSpec" v-if="bargainDetail.id "
@handleClickSku="getGoodsDetail" />
<!-- 产品详情 -->
<div class=" box4">
import popupGoods from "@/pages/cart/payment/popup/goods"; //购物车商品的模块
import {
} from "@/api/promotions";
import { getGoods } from "@/api/goods.js";
import shares from "@/components/m-share/index";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
background: {
backgroundColor: "transparent",
maskFlag: false, //商品弹框
shareFlage: false,
lightColor: this.$lightColor,
bargains: {},
bargainDetail: {}, //砍价商品详情
Bargaining: false, //砍价弹出框
helpBargainFlage: false, //帮砍弹出框
autoplay: false, //砍价金额滚动
kanjiaPrice: 0, //砍价金额
totalPercent: 0, //砍价半分比
activityData: "", //砍价活动
cutPrice: 0, //已砍金额
params: {
// id: "", //砍价活动ID
// kanjiaActivityGoodsId: "", //砍价商品SkuID
// kanjiaActivityId: "", //邀请活动ID,有值说明是被邀请人
// status: "", //状态
logData: [], // 帮砍记录
logParams: {
pageNumber: 1,
pageSize: 20,
kanJiaActivityId: "",
goodsDetail: {}, //商品详情
goodsSpec: {}, //商品规格
selectedGoods: "", //选择的商品
onLoad(options) {
this.routerVal = options;
if (options.activityId) {
this.params.kanjiaActivityId = options.activityId;
onShow() {
watch: {
// 砍价弹窗
Bargaining(val) {
if (val) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
// 监听砍价活动金额
activityData: {
handler(val) {
if (val) {
// 计算砍价百分比
this.totalPercent =
100 -
Math.floor((val.surplusPrice / this.bargainDetail.price) * 100);
this.cutPrice = (
this.bargainDetail.price - this.activityData.surplusPrice
// 获取砍价日志
this.logParams.kanJiaActivityId = val.id;
// 判断是否是帮砍
if (this.params.kanjiaActivityId && val.help) {
this.helpBargainFlage = true;
immediate: true,
methods: {
closePopupBuy(val) {
this.maskFlag = false;
closeShare() {
this.shareFlage = false;
// 邀请砍价
shareBargain() {
this.shareFlage = true;
// 获取商品详情
getGoodsDetail() {
title: "加载中",
mask: true,
skuId: this.bargainDetail.id,
num: 1,
cartType: "KANJIA",
// getGoods(this.bargainDetail.id, this.bargainDetail.goodsId).then(
// (response) => {
// this.goodsDetail = response.data.result.data;
// this.selectedGoods = response.data.result.data;
// this.goodsSpec = response.data.result.specs;
// uni.hideLoading();
// // this.maskFlag = true;
// }
// );
// 初始化商品以及砍价活动
async init() {
// 获取商品
let res = await getBargainDetail(this.routerVal.id);
if (res.data.success) {
this.bargainDetail = res.data.result.goodsSku;
this.bargains = res.data.result;
// 被邀请活动id
if (this.params.kanjiaActivityId) {
} else {
this.params.kanjiaActivityGoodsId = this.routerVal.id;
// 获取砍价活动
// 获取砍价活动
async activity() {
let res = await getBargainActivity(this.params);
// 判断当前是否是第一次进入,如果是第一次进入默认砍一刀
? res.data.result
? (this.activityData = res.data.result)
: this.openActivity()
: "";
// 分页获取砍价活动-帮砍记录
async getBargainLogList() {
let res = await getBargainLog(this.logParams);
if (res.data.success) {
this.logData = res.data.result.records;
// 帮忙砍一刀
async handleClickHelpBargain() {
let res = await helpBargain(this.params.kanjiaActivityId);
if (res.data.success) {
this.helpBargainFlage = false;
this.kanjiaPrice = res.data.result.kanjiaPrice;
this.Bargaining = true;
// 帮砍完成之后查询帮砍记录
} else {
this.helpBargainFlage = false;
// 发起砍价活动
async openActivity(data) {
let res = await openBargain({ id: this.routerVal.id });
if (res.data.success) {
this.kanjiaPrice = res.data.result.kanjiaPrice;
this.Bargaining = true;
// 查询帮砍记录
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.goods-config {
margin-left: 20rpx;
> .goods-title {
font-weight: bold;
.purchase-price {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #999;
.max-price {
margin-left: 10rpx;
text-decoration: line-through;
.purchase-price {
color: $main-color;
> span {
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.buy {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #fff;
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margin: 50rpx auto 0 auto;
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font-size: 30rpx;
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justify-content: space-between;
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margin: 20rpx 0;
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font-weight: bold;
color: $light-color;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 40rpx;
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> div:nth-of-type(1) {
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> div:nth-last-of-type(1) {
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color: $light-color;
> span {
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max-width: 100%;
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transform: scale(1);
75% {
transform: scale(1.1);
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display: flex;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
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border-radius: 20rpx;
margin-top: 40rpx;
animation: fontMove 5s infinite;
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/* Safari 和 Chrome */
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