466 lines
13 KiB
466 lines
13 KiB
import lazyLoading from './lazyLoading.js';
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
import { result } from './routerJson.js';
let util = {
util.title = function (title) {
title = title || 'lili 商家后台';
window.document.title = title;
util.millsToTime = function (mills) {
if (!mills) {
return "";
let s = mills / 1000;
if (s < 60) {
return s.toFixed(0) + " 秒"
let m = s / 60;
if (m < 60) {
return m.toFixed(0) + " 分钟"
let h = m / 60;
if (h < 24) {
return h.toFixed(0) + " 小时"
let d = h / 24;
if (d < 30) {
return d.toFixed(0) + " 天"
let month = d / 30
if (month < 12) {
return month.toFixed(0) + " 个月"
let year = month / 12
return year.toFixed(0) + " 年"
util.inOf = function (arr, targetArr) {
let res = true;
arr.forEach(item => {
if (targetArr.indexOf(item) < 0) {
res = false;
return res;
util.oneOf = function (ele, targetArr) {
if (targetArr.indexOf(ele) >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
util.getRouterObjByName = function (routers, name) {
if (!name || !routers || !routers.length) {
return null;
let routerObj = null;
for (let item of routers) {
if (item.name == name) {
return item;
routerObj = util.getRouterObjByName(item.children, name);
if (routerObj) {
return routerObj;
return null;
util.handleTitle = function (vm, item) {
if (typeof item.title == 'object') {
return vm.$t(item.title.i18n);
} else {
return item.title;
util.setCurrentPath = function (vm, name) {
let title = '';
let isOtherRouter = false;
vm.$store.state.app.routers.forEach(item => {
if (item.children.length == 1) {
if (item.children[0].name == name) {
title = util.handleTitle(vm, item);
if (item.name == 'otherRouter') {
isOtherRouter = true;
} else {
item.children.forEach(child => {
if (child.name == name) {
title = util.handleTitle(vm, child);
if (item.name == 'otherRouter') {
isOtherRouter = true;
let currentPathArr = [];
if (name == 'home_index') {
currentPathArr = [
title: util.handleTitle(vm, util.getRouterObjByName(vm.$store.state.app.routers, 'home_index')),
path: '',
name: 'home_index'
} else if ((name.indexOf('_index') >= 0 || isOtherRouter) && name !== 'home_index') {
currentPathArr = [
title: util.handleTitle(vm, util.getRouterObjByName(vm.$store.state.app.routers, 'home_index')),
path: '/home',
name: 'home_index'
title: title,
path: '',
name: name
} else {
let currentPathObj = vm.$store.state.app.routers.filter(item => {
if (item.children.length <= 1) {
return item.children[0].name == name;
} else {
let i = 0;
let childArr = item.children;
let len = childArr.length;
while (i < len) {
if (childArr[i].name == name) {
return true;
return false;
if (currentPathObj.children.length <= 1 && currentPathObj.name == 'home') {
currentPathArr = [
title: '首页',
path: '',
name: 'home_index'
} else if (currentPathObj.children.length <= 1 && currentPathObj.name !== 'home') {
currentPathArr = [
title: '首页',
path: '/home',
name: 'home_index'
title: currentPathObj.title,
path: '',
name: name
} else {
let childObj = currentPathObj.children.filter((child) => {
return child.name == name;
currentPathArr = [
title: '首页',
path: '/home',
name: 'home_index'
title: currentPathObj.title,
path: '',
name: currentPathObj.name
title: childObj.title,
path: currentPathObj.path + '/' + childObj.path,
name: name
vm.$store.commit('setCurrentPath', currentPathArr);
return currentPathArr;
util.openNewPage = function (vm, name, argu, query) {
if (!vm.$store) {
let storeOpenedList = vm.$store.state.app.storeOpenedList;
let openedPageLen = storeOpenedList.length;
let i = 0;
let tagHasOpened = false;
while (i < openedPageLen) {
if (name == storeOpenedList[i].name) { // 页面已经打开
vm.$store.commit('storeOpenedList', {
index: i,
argu: argu,
query: query
tagHasOpened = true;
if (!tagHasOpened) {
let tag = vm.$store.state.app.tagsList.filter((item) => {
if (item.children) {
return name == item.children[0].name;
} else {
return name == item.name;
tag = tag[0];
if (tag) {
tag = tag.children ? tag.children[0] : tag;
if (argu) {
tag.argu = argu;
if (query) {
tag.query = query;
vm.$store.commit('increateTag', tag);
vm.$store.commit('setCurrentPageName', name);
util.toDefaultPage = function (routers, name, route, next) {
let len = routers.length;
let i = 0;
let notHandle = true;
while (i < len) {
if (routers[i].name == name && routers[i].children && routers[i].redirect == undefined) {
name: routers[i].children[0].name
notHandle = false;
if (notHandle) {
// 将Csv文件解析为二维数组
export const getArrayFromFile = (file) => {
let nameSplit = file.name.split('.')
let format = nameSplit[nameSplit.length - 1]
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let reader = new FileReader()
reader.readAsText(file) // 以文本格式读取
let arr = []
reader.onload = function (evt) {
let data = evt.target.result // 读到的数据
let pasteData = data.trim()
arr = pasteData.split((/[\n\u0085\u2028\u2029]|\r\n?/g)).map(row => {
return row.split('\t')
}).map(item => {
return item[0].split(',')
if (format == 'csv') resolve(arr)
else reject(new Error('[Format Error]:不是Csv文件'))
// 将二维数组转为表格数据
export const getTableDataFromArray = (array) => {
let columns = []
let tableData = []
if (array.length > 1) {
let titles = array.shift()
columns = titles.map(item => {
return {
title: item,
key: item
tableData = array.map(item => {
let res = {}
item.forEach((col, i) => {
res[titles[i]] = col
return res
return {
util.initRouter = function (vm) { // 初始化路由
const constRoutes = [];
const otherRoutes = [];
// 404路由需要和动态路由一起加载
const otherRouter = [{
path: '/*',
name: 'error-404',
meta: {
title: '404-页面不存在'
component: 'error-page/404'
// 判断用户是否登录
let userInfo = Cookies.get('userInfo')
// if (!userInfo) {
// // 未登录
// return;
// }
if (!vm.$store.state.app.added) {
// 第一次加载 读取数据
let accessToken = window.localStorage.getItem('accessToken');
// 加载菜单
// axios.get(getMenuList, { headers: { 'accessToken': accessToken } }).then(res => {
// let menuData = res.result;
let menuData = result;
if (!menuData) {
// 格式化数据,设置 空children 为 null
for(let i =0;i<menuData.length;i++){
let t = menuData[i].children
for(let k = 0;k<t.length;k++){
let tt = t[k].children;
for(let z = 0;z<tt.length;z++){
tt[z].children = null
// 给所有三级路由添加字段,显示一级菜单name,方便点击页签时的选中筛选
tt[z].firstRouterName = menuData[i].name
util.initAllMenuData(constRoutes, menuData);
util.initRouterNode(otherRoutes, otherRouter);
// 添加所有主界面路由
vm.$store.commit('updateAppRouter', constRoutes.filter(item => item.children.length > 0));
// 添加全局路由
vm.$store.commit('updateDefaultRouter', otherRoutes);
// 添加菜单路由
util.initMenuData(vm, menuData);
// 缓存数据 修改加载标识
window.localStorage.setItem('menuData', JSON.stringify(menuData));
vm.$store.commit('setAdded', true);
// });
} else {
// 读取缓存数据
let data = window.localStorage.getItem('menuData');
if (!data) {
vm.$store.commit('setAdded', false);
let menuData = JSON.parse(data);
// 添加菜单路由
util.initMenuData(vm, menuData);
// 添加所有顶部导航栏下的菜单路由
util.initAllMenuData = function (constRoutes, data) {
let allMenuData = [];
data.forEach(e => {
if (e.type == -1) {
e.children.forEach(item => {
util.initRouterNode(constRoutes, allMenuData);
// 生成菜单格式数据
util.initMenuData = function (vm, data) {
const menuRoutes = [];
let menuData = data;
// 顶部菜单
let navList = [];
menuData.forEach(e => {
let nav = {
name: e.name,
title: e.title,
if (navList.length < 1) {
// 存入vuex
vm.$store.commit('setNavList', navList);
let currNav = window.localStorage.getItem('currNav')
if (currNav) {
// 读取缓存title
for (var item of navList) {
if (item.name == currNav) {
vm.$store.commit('setCurrNavTitle', item.title);
} else {
// 默认第一个
currNav = navList[0].name;
vm.$store.commit('setCurrNavTitle', navList[0].title);
vm.$store.commit('setCurrNav', currNav);
for (var item of menuData) {
if (item.name == currNav) {
// 过滤
menuData = item.children;
util.initRouterNode(menuRoutes, menuData);
// 刷新界面菜单
vm.$store.commit('updateMenulist', menuRoutes.filter(item => item.children.length > 0));
let tagsList = [];
vm.$store.state.app.routers.map((item) => {
if (item.children.length <= 1) {
} else {
vm.$store.commit('setTagsList', tagsList);
// 生成路由节点
util.initRouterNode = function (routers, data) { // data为所有子菜单数据
for (var item of data) {
let menu = Object.assign({}, item);
menu.component = lazyLoading(menu.component);
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
menu.children = [];
util.initRouterNode(menu.children, item.children);
let meta = {};
// 给页面添加标题
meta.title = menu.title ? menu.title + " - lilishop商家后台" : null;
meta.firstRouterName = menu.firstRouterName
meta.keepAlive = menu.keepAlive ? true : false
menu.meta = meta;
export default util;